Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Are You Taking Your Vitamins?

I have been taking biotin every day for the past week for my skin, hair, and nails.  I'm not sure if I've seen any improvement but I know for sure that when I was pregnant (5 years ago), those prenatal vitamins I took really made a huge, dramatic difference in the appearance of my skin, hair, and nails.  If you're like me, and you manipulate your hair every day by applying products and extreme heat to it, then these vitamins will help your hair become healthier from the inside out.  While I was pregnant, my skin was perfect.  I did not have any breakouts and of course, I had that natural pregnancy glow (I'm not sure where that comes from).  My nails grew at a rapid pace, for some odd reason, and it was incredibly strong.  The reason I decided to start taking biotin was because my nails have been very brittle after I got gel nails on my natural nails.  Also, my hair has been dry and frizzy from the harsh sun this summer.  It's horrible!  I've started a new hair treatment regimen and I will blog about that later.  I've seen noticeable improvements in my hair after one week with this regimen.  I can't wait to share it with you guys!

Anyway, I bought this bottle of biotin at Walmart for only $3.  I take one a day around lunch, however the bottle says you can take 1 tablet, 1-5 times daily, preferably with a meal.  The bottle states that biotin helps promote the health of skin, hair, and nails by nourishing cells throughout your body, especially in hair follicles, nail beds, and the outer layers of skin.  I will continue to take this everyday for the next month and let's hope I start to see significant improvements in my skin, hair, and nails!  I will report back to you in a month and let you all know how it goes!  Until then, XOXO!

Disclaimer:  Biotin may not be for everyone!  If you're not sure, as always, please check with your physician to see if it's right for you. (Lol, why does this sound like a disclaimer for viagra?)

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